juli 13, 2018
Our road trippin once again takes us back to the magical forests of Småland, where my family has a cottage by a lake in the woods. It is from this area that our hunter green color “Hamneda Forest” comes. I know, sorry for being a tease … Hamneda Forest, along with our camouflage pattern, will be released this fall, hopefully around mid-late August, so keep on the look-out!! Oh, and btw, at the cottage, gender stereotypes for some reason always kick in – hence Max gets to carry all the luggage!!
juli 05, 2018
I ran into a friend yesterday, who told me how a full thermos of coffee had spilled in his tote. He quickly threw it in the laundry machine and was astonished at how well it came out. We don’t normally recommend the washing machine, mainly because our heavy-duty, stiff cotton canvas will come out with wrinkles that can be hard to iron out. Also, the fabric will lose some of its stiffness due to the harsh treatment of the washing machine. However, we’ve given it many goes, and scrubbing it down with some soap or detergent really does the trick!
juli 01, 2018
"When life gives you lemons, make a lemonade stand." - And boy if he did!! My first-born son Seth, a mini-entrepreneur, going at his 3rd year making and selling lemonade at the Falsterbo beach.
It's homemade, it's fresh, it's ice-cold ... if you are lucky enough to be there, don't miss out before they're all sold out!
juni 23, 2018
Naturally there was a thought behind yesterdays Midsummers Tote-games … to put the Totes to the test, to see if they really are as strong, sturdy and durable as I’ve fought hard to create them.
And I must say … after having let 13 adults and 17 kids throw things in them, jump sack in them, and fill them to the last possible limit, they still look absolutely awesome – or rather TOTESOME!!! I really do believe Quality is the best business plan, and I promise you, I will always strive to keep this my top priority!
juni 18, 2018
I went grocery shopping with my mom today! She needed a ride after having had surgery which prevents her from driving - and what a walk in the park to go shopping with her instead of the kids!
Only issue was that the contents of her one shopping bag looked a lot more tempting than my summer-holiday-kids-eat-a-ton over-full bags. Might have to go over to hers for dinner! Oh, and btw - I promise that our Totes truly are the best shopping companions you will ever find - strong, sturdy, just-right PACK-it perfect size, and very stylish of course!